Wednesday, January 17, 2018


MR. T. GOES BALLISTIC..(JAN 19) The President of the United States, duly elected with a minority of ballots cast. (The largest minority of ballots cast that won the electoral vote, in history, really really big minority, you should have seen the non crowds at the big ceremony), has not denied sleeping with adult movie stars, stating he didn't know they were stars, after all no awards were given to them for the performance, and he got a Grammy.

(Jan 9) POTUS, duly elected with a minority of ballots cast, was seen in Florida shooting golfs. Jed Clampett was along with him trying to spot the golfs for him so he could have a clear shot. I think he shot 70.

(Jan 17) Former buddy pal and fellow onanist to, the duly elected with a minority of ballots cast, POTUS, Steve Bannon was set to be a person in front of the committee of overpaid lobbyists employees and decided that he would drink, and claim the fifth. The committee was determined to 'compell him with sticks and stones' but in the end, he was only stoned. (Maybe he was reminded of his days as a Rock star.) His testimony was limited in it's scope, and many thought he should utilize Scope as his breath was as unpleasant as his visage and demeanor.

Jan 19.. The POTUS, duly elected with a minority of ballots cast, agreed to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government afloat for thirty more days and agreed to DACA stuff later in the year if they still let him order steak and ketchup with a side of KFC. Once assured that would be allowed he got his crayons out to practice his signature and coloring within the lines.

Jan 18.. The POTUS, duly elected with a minority of ballots cast, decried the lack of workers for his Mir-a-Lago resort. When reminded by his staff that most of them had been deported because they were here illegally, he replied. “Well most of them didn't know how to clean a toilet anyway because where they came from they didn't even have running water, much less toilets.”

You can subscribe to TGIF News once I figure out how to do that, meanwhile you can see it here and on the Anarchist face page (here)

Friday, January 22, 2016

All of them boys was singin' my life out,
And all of them boys singing what I wanted it to be.
Are now singing in a band that's above me
I can not figure it out.

They would have liked me,
If they had known me
But its too late now,
It's too late now.

They have left the building
They have moved on to more
They wanted to get on board
but they haven't seen the fore,
they haven't seen the fore.

So sail on sweet brothers,
And sail on to the shore,
When you reach the others,
Start singin' some more,
Start singin' some more.

They, would have liked me,
(I think) , They would have known
But it is too late now,
They have made it to shore,
They have made it to shore...
Rest in peace all you singers that have left us, before you really found your selves..

Sunday, September 7, 2014


About ten years ago I got a traffic ticket in the city of Pine Lawn. I deserved it, I ran a stop sign in front of the City Hall and police department. I was in a hurry so I decided to take a short cut because of construction at the intersection of Natural Bridge and Keinlein. I cut through the street west of that and it was there that a Pine Lawn's finest was following me and gave me the citation.

I have gotten tickets before and I show up for the court because sometimes I can get a reduced sentence or so I think I can. So I went to court night, waited outside with a really long line of people because there wasn't enough room in the courtroom for all the defendants. Most, it turned out after I spoke to them, were residents of Pine Lawn. Most, on this night, seemed to be there for non traffic offenses. There was an elderly lady, who was allowed to sit down, complaining to any who listened, that “I've lived here for forty years, and I have NEVER gotten a ticket before, and now they want $50 because my trash can didn't get taken from the street.” Many others seemed to be there for similar offenses. I was astonished that there was no mercy, even for her. I then discovered that for my ticket I would have to pay $125 CASH, NO CHECKS OR MASTERCARD. (Since that time they have installed an ATM for which the city gets the fee, I am sure.) I had no cash on me. Why would I carry a large sum of cash in the city of Pine Lawn? I got lucky though, one of the police officers knew me, and since I was the only non person of color in the building, I stuck out like the proverbial thumb. He said he would talk to the judge and see if I could get some type of deal. If not I would be thrown into jail until the money arrived. My wife was not feeling well and had gone to bed and my other friends were not available to bring the money to me. I did get to bring the money in the next morning at 8 A.M. Or as soon as the City hall opened. I wondered how many of the remaining people would not be as lucky.

My situation was not dire but I wondered how many of those Pine Lawn citizens had the cash to pay the fines for leaving their trash can out too long. This is what I call a predatory town. They have few businesses to pay sales tax and traffic stops and housing violations are the only source of income.

The same is true of most of the cities in the county of St. Louis. It isn't as prevalent in the more affluent cities because the tax base for property is more. Why would a city treat it's citizens as their ATM? Because, in order to exist, they have to do something to make money. Sure it is important to make sure that housing remains safe and comely, but why not help the people, not punish them.

Monday, December 31, 2012


We come to the end of another year. It is now the time to reflect on the things that we have done, the things we didn't do and the things that we thought about doing.
A time to think about the people we saw, the ones we missed seeing and the ones that have left us and we will see no more.
It is also a time to resolve to do better in all things, not just one simple resolution but resolve to live life better, do more positive things and toss away the negative. To this end I say..... BOTTOMS UP...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The last days of Mom.

I lay there and thought I was thinking about having “it” with my lovely wife, who wasn’t there, when Mom called. “It” is good for the soul, releases tensions and feels good. I didn’t really need to do “It” because I wasn’t particularly aroused at all,so it was no big deal when I didn’t get to have "it". I got up and went into the ‘space’. It couldn’t be called a room really, we had put the hospice bed in the living room because it was the room with the TV and truly the only room large enough in the house to accomodate it. So I went into the space and she gestured to me that she needed pain medication, i.e. morphine. This was the first time she had wakened  me for that sole purpose. Usually she had to visit the bathroom. So this was probably the real beginning of the end --I had stated that several times that it was the real beginning of the end and maybe this time I was right, who knows.
Yes, my mom was dying. The pussies that called themselves doctors wouldn’t say how long or what they thought was the time frame because they didn’t want me to come back and sue them if they were wrong. You know, two weeks sir...and then she hangs on for a year... no one sues doctors for being wrong in a positive way but if they said she has six months and she goes tomorrow, people might try to sue. Not me, I will get my money some other way. The doctors have enough to worry about. Can you imagine graduating from college, ready to enter the door to your first job with $250,000 in loans to pay off? You have that and the old life and death thing on your hands too.
Not like firefighters though, they get thrust into the flames willy nilly and never know when. But to be fair, they rarely are in danger. Most fires are run of the mill and not much happens except that it gets hot and then very wet and then it is over. Three hundred and sixty four days a year the firefighter doesn’t get in a dangerous situation. Police maybe two seventy five. 

Doctors, are on the string every day they work.

(You know, back when I was little they called this ‘stream of conscious’ writing. I think it is really just ADD.)

So doctors have it rough from the minute they walk into the ‘school of medicine’ which is much like a school of sharks, I suspect but with more fiber.
So anyway, I go to mom, get her the medicine she needs, and go back and try to sleep. It is 2:40, after all, and I should be sleepy. So I drift into never never land. Why is it called that anyway, or am I the only one that calls it that? Sleep, I mean, not the earlier ‘it’.
The real problem here is what the hell do you do with a situation like this. She is never gonna get better, you can’t off her but she really needs to be offed because she hurts too much. Keeping her around for the next  _____? days costs about two fifty or more a day and does her no favors. Not to  mention the stress it puts on me and the other family members who have to come by and make sure she has someone here all the time so she doesn’t die. What? she is dying but we do the death watch thing anyway. Always some one here with mom.
When I was a youngster,and I mean eight or nine, I would always tease mom, ‘get her goat’ they used to call it, and she would chase me around the house, literally outside we would run around the house, it was a small house, only 4 rooms and 750 square feet, so she often times would have a glass of water that she would throw at me when in range. Usually just the water, sometimes if she was really aggravated she would throw the glass (a plastic tumbler) too, but she almost always missed with both.  This, I believe, gave us a special bond, like ‘our little secret’, only everybody knew about it because, believe me, we weren’t quietly running, we were yelling at each other like the house was burning down. (see ,the firefighters reference returns, but only briefly). 
So where was I? Oh, yeah, the beginning of the end. How do you know? I bet I will know it when I see it. I did with dad
. Yeah, he was a scholarly man that taught High School (note the caps? that is because I think that that job is way under rated in the importance scale). Scholarly is not really the right word but there really isn’t a word that would work. He was a thrifty man when younger and even in early retirement he went out and dug the six foot hole needed to hook up the new water company because he didn’t want to pay for the back hoe. The same man spent hours grading papers at home and making lesson plans. He made less than forty grand a year in all his working years. I think it was much less than that but I don’t know for sure. I know that he never got an advanced degree. Partly because he wanted to keep the money to live on and partly because when he took some ‘education courses’ he kept using the word bullshit when referring to the course description. So scholarly is not the word, maybe well read and interested in reading more, would be a good description. He was always efforting toward learning. He watched the PBS station when they did a nature show and loved the early days of Disney when Disney was the only place you could see a flick with turtles screwing and foxes running. He bought a telescope to watch the stars with when we were young, he bought a bigger one when we were older and a programmable one at seventy years old or so. He loved music, mostly classical and in his older years got to be a fanatical Opera fan. So I knew when the end was near with him. When he stopped watching PBS and only listened to music he had heard before, no new music of any type, it was apparent he had given up. He was a devout non believer and skeptic extraordinaire of anything not verifiable. So when he quit ‘learning’ and concentrating on the nuances of Gotterdamerung, I knew it was going to be soon.
So when mom stopped watching the Sunday news programs so she could holler at the Republicyuks, I knew it was soon. When she stopped posting stuff about them on Facebook, I was sure, and when she lost interest in even using the computer, I knew it was gonna be soon.

  Well, she lost interest in eating and even in having water, then, even so, she would sit up on the side of the bed. I had to have the wheel chair removed from the bedside, because even as weak as she had become, she got into it the other night when I was sleeping and I didn’t wake up until she turned on damn near every light switch she could reach from the chair. When I finally got to her she had her cell phone in her hand and was trying to remember how to call 911. Luckily she didn’t remember how. But when I asked her what she was doing she said she was trying to call 911 because she couldn’t find me. I think if she could have walked she would have gone to the car and tried to drive away. She had a strong will.
  It was only a few more days of pain and empty stares with no recognition of most people and then she was gone.  The  remarkable thing about it was that the day of the evening she died, she sat up on the side of the bed and when the nurse asked her her name, she knew it and her birth day too. My brother came storming, yes that was what it was like, in from out of town and sat with her holding her hand. He had not seen her at her worst and she was that, I told him that as bad as it looked this was the norm for the last several days. He said he had a feeling, he had had the same feeling with Dad and he was right then, he had stormed in that day and it was Dad’s last. I poo poohed the idea and when he calmed down he ran to do an errand. While he was gone she died. My wife was there to help me  and spend the night with me and Mom but Mom died early in the evening. She appeared to be sleeping and then I noticed that she wasn’t appearing to breathe and I was right. May she rest in peace as they say, whatever the hell that means. Maybe it is a real commentary on life. The only time we are not at war is in death. Some would say that even in death there is war in a place called Hell. Maybe so but I hope not. That would be the cruelest thing there is.
  Maybe Hell is cruel but what about this lovely health care system. I don’t mean HMOs  or Obamacare or any such, I mean can’t there be something that can be done for the terminally ill that are in constant pain? I don’t know how I  will react when they tell me I have terminal something. What goes through one’s mind when you know your days are short. Some people go and do them selves in but the majority have to sit in their hospice bed and wait, often in pain, until they don’t have to wait anymore. Is that not cruel and unusual? The murderers on death row get a quiet injection until they are gone, why can’t we do the same for an obvious terminal case? Is that a fair way to treat the mother and father who kept us from harm and made our life easier? Let them sit in pain knowing it will never go away and they will not recover? Cruel and usual is what that is.
  My beloved dog was in a lot of pain and we gave him an injection to keep him from being in pain, at least that hasn’t been outlawed yet. We should have the same ability when Mom is hurting and won’t get better. Is this the ‘Chrisitan” thing to do? We treat our pets better than our elderly and sick. At least with more compassion. Not us but our laws.  
(By the way I find it interesting that the computer’s ‘spellcheck’ program gives me the red  underline on spellcheck and health care but not on HMO or Obamacare.)
Well that is the story about health care in the USA now what can we do about it before I get to experience it my self.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Bully

He came into the third grade school yard and told the smaller kids, "You will give me your lunch money, NOW!!". They did so.
He came into the middle school gym shower room and said. "you will let me shower first, you will bring me a clean towel and fresh soap, and if I hit you with a towel, you will NOT tell coach or you know what's good for you."
He came into the dorm and told the effimenate guy to get the F out of here fag and don't come back.
His dad got him a job as the boss in the fast food restaurant he owned and made him the manager. He told the guys to get on their knees and thank him because he let them work there and gave them money. "If you keep bowing down to me I will make you have more money at every raise review, if I hear any complaining I will take money away by cutting your hours and you may lose your job altogether. So you will do what I say and bow to me when I ask you to."

I think we can , at least most of us, can call this man a lifelong bully. He is not the kind of guy I would look up to and I never have done so. But it is not his fault. What he is doing is what this country tries to make all men do. To be a success it is expected to be a bully.

-to be continued-

Sunday, December 11, 2011


So what happens when an American aircraft is shot down and falls nearly whole into the hands of the enemy? It is taken apart by the 'enemy' and dissected to find out what makes it tick. This was the case when Gary Powers crashed in the USSR. They took the plane apart and held him hostage until a deal got worked out and he was traded for KGB Colonel Vilyam Fisher (aka Rudolf Abel). He was not made a hero, nor was he vilified except by some hard liners who said he should have killed himself instead of being captured. So why do I bring this up now?
He launched from Pakistan. We have just had a 'drone' aircraft launched from there that has been intercepted by the Iranians. They have refused to return it. We don't have anything to bargain with so it is similar to that earlier incident except that no humans are involved in the bargaining process.
Does this bode well? Are we to be embroiled in another 'cold war' type standoff? I say yes. I say we are trying to come up with a nuclear/evil empire to replace the USSR. We tried to do so with North Korea but they are to pathetic to be a good enemy. They don't even have running water for most of their citizens.
Iran is a comfortable enemy. They are familiar to most of the US people. They were responsible for getting rid of the sympathetic (to their cause) Jimmy Carter (if you doubt this, read some of Jimmy's books, he dislikes the way things are going in the middle east in regards to Israel and has always done so) and got the Uber-Christian leaning Ronald Reagan to be president.
I do not, to this day, understand why the Iranians thought RR would be better for their cause, but that is the nature of politics. Now they want to be still in the limelight in our press and our sensibilities so they are trying to become a nuclear power and doing things that will tick off our religious rightists and conservatives. They are getting close to that goal.
And we are letting them become more important than they should be. Why? Because they are doing the salesman thing we have all seen. They are using fear.
They are coming into our home to give us an estimate to fix a problem that we have. They are telling us that this is a really serious problem and to fix it we have to destroy the existing house and build a new one. They are, in effect, running the show much the same way they ran the 1980 election of this country.They don't have enough leverage to throw this current election but they are trying to come up with a way to do so. They just released some US citizens because they weren't numerous or important enough to catch the attention of the populace of the US.
I don't think they are finished. I think there will be another attempt as soon as they know who the Republican nominee is. This could change their goal if it is someone they REALLY don't want to deal with.
In my next diatribe I will break down who I think they would like to have win the presidency. Stay tuned for more on this.. meanwhile, have a happy holiday.. (you can have a nice Christmas Mr. Rick Perry since that is so important to your happiness to state your faith.)