Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to fix Unemployment

Give money to the small businesses that can create jobs.
No Tax Credits that will not be a boon until tax time, give real money, grants, not loans, to businesses that have made a commitment to hire if they have money to do so. Then, after six months of this, if the unemployment rates don't go down by at least one percent, discontinue the program.
Try something else.
The Congressional members all seem to agree that small business is the way to get out of this unemployment circus. The R's say give them tax credits for hiring. ThePrez says we will give them tax credits, the D's say we should give them tax credits.. So give them tax free money in the form of grants.
Wait.. SPEND MORE MONEY?... Yes, because when you hire people they will be paying taxes and we will get that money back in the form of taxes. Make sure that you only give the employers the amount of money that will be recieved back in taxes from the new hires... the program pays for itself with no impact on the deficit.
How can anyone oppose this plan? It is a Win-Win..

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