Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Health Care Gets Voted Against by Medicare Voters

That the Proposition C was voted into place here in Missouri is puzzling to me.
The proponents of the proposition were using the argument that the government shouldn't make us buy something. We do that now, every week we purchase Medicare insurance. We don't get to use it until we hit a certain age but we do, in fact do that today. The fact that it has to be purchased from a private carrier is the fault of those that opposed the 'public option'. Had the public option not been sacked then we all would just have to pay more for Medicare but we could use it TODAY, not wait until later.
The fact of the matter is that if the opponents to health care had not forced the Legislators to trash the public option there would be no conversation, we would have just payed more to Medicare and everyone would be covered. We would not have to pay a private provider. What they did was just make it possible for the private carriers to make a lot more money.
To say that the government took over health care is so very inaccurate with the current legislation. If we had the public option THEN you could make that case but at this point it is not the case.

The most troubling thing is that the biggest block of voters against the health care and for Proposition C were those in Medicare, the elder voters, that are ALREADY REAPING THE BENEFITS OF THE PUBLIC OPTION. There is nothing in any legislation referring to health care or 'Obamacare' as they like to call it that gets rid of or reduces regular Medicare benefits. So why did they vote for "C"? Republican fear mongers made them believe that they would lose some benefits. They kept the message out there through all the outlets that the elder voter is likely to expose themselves to. The Limbaughs, Becks hammered that message over and over until it was, in their minds, the truth.
It is the job of the rest of us to get out that truth. We must get the truth out to everyone before this country is stuck in litigation spending money on lawyers and court cases and no one taking care of the sick man that can't qualify for Medicaid and can't afford to pay for private insurance because he had acne as child and it is a pre-existing condition. (This has happened, by the way.)
So how can we get the word out? Help me in this.

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