Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fall of a great power

The enemy was making us spend more than we could afford. We were still sure that we could best them in the long fight for superiority. We worked hard. We went to the Olympics, and took many metals. We spread our word about our great system of governing throughout the world. We won over Asian hearts to our way of life. We helped African nations set up for the new world order. We sent men and women into space. We built great buildings and won wars. We were one of the greatest powers on the planet. We had managed to keep our continent in our philosophy. We managed to help the poor on many continents. We built a spacelab. We were powerful.
Then the enemy made us spend money to keep up with their nuclear desires. They built instruments of destruction that could kill millions. They forced us to spend money to defend against their proliferation. They used a war of words and information and misinformation to defeat us. They were ruthless in their use of money. They finally beat us because we could not spend enough money to stop them We are NOT the USSR. That is what happened to them. Their rivals spent so much money that they could not keep up. They had to fold their hand and ask for a re deal.
The terrorists have made US spend and spend to 'keep on top' of the hill and now we have spent into oblivion. It is not too late to stop the spiraling. But if we cut government spending without realizing that cutting spending means cutting jobs which means cutting tax revenue collected, which means more money going out to help the needy unemployed former government workers which means more spending. Raise revenues raise taxes for those that can afford to pay more, collect taxes on ALL income for Social programs, not just up to a certain level. Do this and you can stop the Fall. End the wars but make sure that we have jobs for the veterans that come home. Encourage employers to hire workers in this country. Penalize the companies that send work to other countries. Do all of these things and the economy will improve, the way of life will improve and the standard of living will remain high.
Don't do it and the terrorists will most certainly do to the US what the US did to the USSR. It will bankrupt us and end our way of life. This is not an opinion this is a fact.